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Pedodontics - Pediatric Dentistry

Pedodontics - Pediatric Dentistry PREVENTIVE TREATMENTS IN CHILDREN

Since children cannot pay as much attention to oral care as adults and their milk teeth have a more organic structure than normal teeth, they are more prone to decay. During the period up to school age, the child should be taught the habit of brushing his teeth. When children brush their teeth, they often brush the visible or easily accessible surfaces of the teeth. However, in order to prevent caries, the interfaces and chewing surfaces of the teeth must also be cleaned. For this reason, brushing should be with the help and control of parents until school age. The child's toothbrush should be appropriate for his age and mouth size. Just two minutes of effective brushing after breakfast and before going to bed at night is sufficient. Like every good habit, tooth brushing is a habit that should be acquired during childhood. The use of toothpaste is not recommended in infancy and children up to three years of age. Toothpaste use should start after the age of three; and children's toothpastes should be preferred. A mistake that mothers often make is to fill the pacifier or bottle with sugar, jam, etc. They dip it in foods such as and give it to children before they adapt. Treatments that prevent the formation of caries are called preventive treatments. These are fissure sealant and fluoride application.

Another way to prevent decay is to apply topical (superficial) fluoride to the teeth. In this way, it is aimed to increase the resistance of teeth against caries. As it is known, fluoride is a substance found in all oral care products. The form used by dentists provides results to prevent the formation of caries when applied periodically, especially in individuals prone to tooth decay.


Did you know that the overwhelming majority of childhood cavities develop in theback teeth? Due to their location and grooved surface, they easily accumulate a lot of food particles and plaque that is the fuel for tooth decay causing bacteria. While a child is still learning to brush, we can give these vulnerable teeth the extra protectionthey need by placing a dental sealant over them. We simply apply a thin layer of clearcomposite resin, and it quickly hardens into a barrier that prevents anything fromsettling on or harming the enamel.


The bacteria in our mouth feed on the leftovers from the food we eat. However, the waste of bacteria is acidic and this acidic environment causes tooth decay. Especially sugary foods increase the risk of caries because they can be easily and quickly converted into acid by microorganisms.

This does not mean that you should never allow yourself or your child to eat ice cream, cake, pie or candy. How and when you eat is more important than the amount of sugar you eat. Desserts eaten between meals cause more harm than those eaten during meals. Instead, take these precautions to prevent tooth decay:

Keep your child away from snacks and sticky foods. Foods such as candy, caramel and chips stick to the teeth. After eating these, teeth should be brushed within 20 minutes (bacteria begins to produce the acid that causes tooth decay after this time). Snacking small amounts throughout the day allows bacteria to constantly retain acid on the teeth.

Sugary and acidic drinks should not be consumed constantly. When consuming them, reduce their contact with the teeth by using a straw.

Chewing gum is beneficial because it increases the flow of saliva, allowing the acidic environment in the mouth to return to normal faster. However, sugar-free or tooth-friendly gums should be consumed.


In cases where milk teeth are lost before they fall out, appliances made to preserve the place of the permanent tooth that will come from below are called space maintainers. Milk teeth not only provide function, aesthetics and phonation to the child in the mouth until the permanent teeth come in, but they also guide the tooth that will come from below. In cases where primary teeth are lost prematurely due to decay, infection, trauma or any other reason, if a space maintainer is not made, developmental disorders and crowding in the mouth will occur.


An impression of the child's mouth is taken, sent to the laboratory, and a space maintainer suitable for the teeth is made. This prepared space maintainer is glued to the teeth and checked by the physician every 6 months until the permanent tooth emerges from underneath. It does not cause any harm to the child and does not prevent him from chewing.


Do not pass on your own bad experiences to your child.

Do not use words such as "I will take you to the dentist, I will get an injection" in order to scare or punish the child. If there are people around you who use similar words, warn them.


It is recommended that the first dental visit be after the child's first tooth begins to emerge, usually between 6 months and 1 year of age. The most important reason for starting the first dentist visit so early is to show parents how teeth should be cleaned during infancy and to protect your child from cavities that may occur due to wrong eating habits, which we call bottle caries. Starting from this age, it is very important to take your child for a check-up every 6 months or at the intervals recommended by your dentist.

Simple and short-term preventive practices (such as fissure sealants, fluoride applications) that the dentist will make when necessary during these checks will prevent the formation of cavities in your child's teeth.

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